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Why us?

I was bullied as a child. I didn't have friends. I could never find kids that were similar to me. When I reached high school, I didn't do normal things as other kids did in high school. I had all good grades and graduated with honors. I decided when I grew up, I would find a way to spread love and positivity to people BIG and small all over the world. So it starts with positive thinking. 

Uplift someone SPECIAL today with a gift of Positivity!

Girl in Denim

Our Mission

  Our mission is to build positivity by reaching people big and small in hopes to build them up positively and to encourage continuing our Faith in Christ.

Boy Playing with Abacus

How We Do It

We create encouraging and uplifting designs designed to uplift and inspire ALL to continue in FAITH (without media input)  and smile. Each order comes with love built into it.

Kid Playing with Wooden Toys

Why We Do It

  We are a Christian-based brand. Our purpose is for Jesus. We use our love for Jesus and instill it into our brand. Everyone is welcome here. Jesus welcomed ALL and HE died for ALL

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